Hoarseness may result in reduced quality of life resulting in depression, social isolation, missed work, lost wages, or increased anxiety. Hoarseness can be characterized by altered voice quality or pitch, loudness, or increased vocal effort. Hoarseness affects children and adults alike and can lead to impaired communication with family and peers. Direct visualization of the vocal folds and larynx is performed as part of a complete evaluation for a patient experiencing hoarseness. Visualization of the vocal folds can be performed in-office via flexible laryngoscopy or videostroboscopy. Conditions we treat include vocal fold cysts, nodules, polyps, hemorrhage, paralysis, granuloma, Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis (RRP), laryngeal cancer, chronic cough, and laryngopharyngeal reflux.
Swallowing difficulties can be associated with recurrent pneumonia, coughing/choking while eating/drinking, unintentional weight loss, or regurgitation of undigested foods. A comprehensive evaluation is often required to determine the cause of the swallowing difficulty. This evaluation may include an examination of the pharynx and larynx by an Ear, Nose, and Throat Physician, swallow evaluation by a Speech-Language Pathologist, or radiographic studies (e.g. barium swallow or modified barium swallow).
Our Voice & Swallowing Disorders Services Include:
Flexible laryngoscopy
Speech and swallow therapy by a licensed Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) experienced in voice and swallow therapy
Procedures such as vocal fold injections, medialization laryngoplasty, arytenopexy, cricoid subluxation, partial arytenoidectomy, balloon dilations for airway stenosis, phonomicrosurgery, and endoscopic laser surgery
Voice & Swallowing Patient Instructions